Create a new, empty Lua state. The standard library is not loaded.
Create a D wrapper for an existing Lua state.
Execute a file of Lua code.
Execute a string of Lua _code.
Same as calling globals._get with the same arguments.
Compile a file of Lua code.
Compile a string of Lua _code.
Create a new, empty table.
Create a new, empty table with pre-allocated space for members.
Create a new table from an InputRange. If the element type of the range is Tuple!(T, U), then each element makes up a key-value pair, where T is the key and U is the value of the pair. For any other element type T, a table with sequential numeric keys is created (an array).
Same as calling globals.get!LuaObject with the same arguments.
Same as calling globals._opIndexAssign with the same arguments.
Open the standard library.
Register a D class or struct with Lua.
Same as calling globals._set with the same arguments.
Set a new panic handler.
Wrap a D value in a Lua reference.
The global table for this instance.
The registry table for this instance.
The underlying lua_State pointer for interfacing with C.
Get the LuaState instance for a Lua state.
Represents a Lua state instance.